Our Team

Here at Easley Financial Group, we’ve been committed to providing individuals, employers, health care professionals and producers with innovative benefits, products and services. For years, our main focus is educating and protecting families and their most important assets. With each client, we take all the necessary time to educate each individual and put them in the very best products with most affordable rates. Working with all the top A rated carriers, we take the long hours and days of shopping around out of your hands. Licensed nationwide, we make sure there is no family member we leave out. You are getting a product and quality agents always available for your needs. Our clients are our family, the one’s you love and protect!

Jason Easley
Senior Field Underwriter
Broker/Agency Owner
License Number: 6561399

Jason is passionate about protecting you and your family with the best and most affordable insurance tailored to the needs of every individual.  I am committed to spending my days serving and educating you and placing you in the best situation for now and the future. 

We have all been touched by the unfortunate situations in life or witnessed someone in need.  I would like to share why our company means so much to me.  So proud of my mother to retire from education and do so much giving in life, unfortunately never taking the time to think of herself.  There were benefits, but no education on what is right or wrong coverages.  She was later diagnosed with Breast Cancer and could have had a great policy to help her through those devastating moments.  

In 2017, it was my time having my very own experience.  In the backyard with my children, I had a gas can explode in my hands.  Married and father of 4, suddenly airlifted and fighting for my life.  I was burned 52% of my body.  I spent 32 days in ICU, learned how to walk again. God blessed me with the wakeup call.  I realized at that moment my family would have been left with nothing.  I was fortunate to have supplemental coverage paying $900 a day for ICU, but that was it.  I could have left my family with no life insurance and then figuring out someone to pick up my bill for burial. 

Take the time today, think of you and your family, rest well knowing you have prepared for tomorrow.  My clients are my family and you have my lifelong commitment to do the right thing for your family as if it were mine.

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